Dictionaries with Wavelet Toolbox

MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox provides good support for constructing multi-basis dictionaries (dictionaries that are constructed by concatenating one or more subdictionaries which are either orthogonal bases or wavelet packets).

Constructing Dictionaries

ExampleDirac DCT Dictionary

We need to specify the dimension of the signal space \(\RR^N\):

N  = 32;

We can now construct the dictionary:

Phi = wmpdictionary(N, 'lstcpt', {'RnIdent', 'dct'});

The name-value pair argument lstcpt takes the list of constituent subdictionaries.

ExampleSymlet DCT Dictionary

We wish to combine a symlet ONB with 4 vanishing moments and 5 level decomposition and a DCT basis

We can now construct the dictionary:

N = 256;
[Phi, nb_atoms] = wmpdictionary(N, 'lstcpt', { {'sym4', 5}, 'dct'});

The vector nb_atoms tells us the number of atoms in each subdictionary:

>> nb_atoms
nb_atoms =

    256   256
ExampleSymlet, Symlet Packets, DCT Dictionary

Here we will combine symlets with the wavelet packet version of symets and DCT ONB.

  1. symlet with 4 vanishing moments and 5 level decomposition
  2. wavelet packet symlet with 4 vanishing moments and 5 level decomposition
  3. DCT basis
N = 256;
[Phi, nb_atoms] = wmpdictionary(N, 'lstcpt', { {'sym4', 5}, {'wpsym4', 5}, 'dct'});

We can visualize the atoms in this dictionary one by one. sparse-plex provides a method to visualize the atoms one by one and save the visualizations in the form of an MP4 video file:

spx.graphics.multi_basis_dict_movie('sym4_wpsym4_dct.mp4', ...
Phi, nb_atoms, {'sym4', 'wpsym4', 'dct'})

We have specified the name of the output video file, the dictionary to be visualized, number of atoms in each subdictionary and names of subdictionaries.