Getting Started


While much of the library can be used on stock MATLAB distribution with standard toolboxes, some parts of the library are dependent on some specific third party libraries. These dependencies are explained below.

MATLAB toolboxes

  • Signal processing toolbox
  • Image processing toolbox
  • Statistics toolbox
  • Optimization toolbox

Third party library dependencies (optional)

We repeat that only some parts of the library and examples depend on the third party libraries. You can install them on need basis. You don’t need to install them in advance.


  • Download sparse-plex library from
  • Unzip it in a suitable folder.
  • Add following commands to your MATLAB startup script:
    • Change directory to the root directory of sparse-plex.
    • Run spx_setup function.
    • Change back to whatever directory you want to be in.


Make sure that MATLAB has write permissions to the directory in which you install sparse-plex. Some functions in sparse-plex create some MAT files for caching of intermediate results. Moreover, the sparse-plex setup script also creates a local settings file. For creating these files, write access is needed.

Getting acquainted

The online library documentation includes a number of step-by-step demonstrations. Follow these tutorials to get familiar with the library.

Running examples

  • Change directory to the root directory of sparse-plex.
  • Go into examples directory.
  • Browse the examples.
  • Run the example you want.

Checking the source code

  • Change directory to the root directory of sparse-plex.
  • Go into library directory.
  • Browse the source code.
    • The source code for spx library is maintained in +spx directory.
    • Unit-tests for the library are maintained in tests directory.

Verifying the installation

A number of unit tests have been included in the software to verify its integrity. The unit tests are based on MATLAB’s built in testing frameworks.

  • Change directory to the root directory of sparse-plex.
  • Move to the directory library/tests.
  • Execute the runalltests.m script.
  • Verify that all unit tests pass.

Building MATLAB Extensions

Some of the fast implementations of various algorithms are written in C as MATLAB extensions. You will need to build them before using them.

This section assumes that you have the necessary build tools available in your MATLAB installation. See What You Need to Build MEX Files for details.

  • Go to the sparse-plex\library\+spx\+fast\private directory inside MATLAB.
  • Run the make.m script.

The script make.m contains necessary commands to invoke the mex compiler on each of the source files in this private directory. The script takes care of building only those files which have been modified since last build.

Building documentation

Only if you really want to do it! Normally, you can read it online.

You will require Python Sphinx and other related packages like Pygments library etc. to build the documentation from scratch.

  • Change directory to the root directory of sparse-plex.
  • Go into docs directory.
  • Build the documentation using Sphinx tool chain.

Here is the command for building documentation automatically as the changes are being made to documentation:

sphinx-autobuild --port=9102 . _build\html

Configuring test data directories

Several examples in sparse-plex are developed on top of standard data sets. These include (but not limited to):

  • Standard test images
  • Yale Extended B Faces database (cropped images)

In order to execute these examples, access to the data is needed. The data is not distributed along with this software. You can download data and store it on your computer wherever you wish. In order to provide access to this data, you need to tell sparse-plex where does the data lie. This can be done by changing spx_local.ini file. When you download and unzip the library, this file doesn’t exist. When you run spx_setup, spx_defaults.ini is copied into spx_local.ini.

All you need to do is to point to the right directories which hold the test datasets.

Specific settings in spx_local.ini are:

  • standard_test_images_dir
  • yale_faces_db_dir

For more information, read the file.