Tools for dictionary analysis

In this and following sections we review various properties associated with a dictionary \(\mathcal{D}\) which are useful in understanding the behavior and capabilities of a dictionary.

We recall that a dictionary \(\mathcal{D}\) consists of a finite number of unit norm vectors in \(\CC^N\) called atoms which span the signal space \(\CC^N\). Atoms of the dictionary are indexed by an index set \(\Omega\). i.e.

\[\mathcal{D} = \{ d_{\omega} : \omega \in \Omega \}\]

with \(|\Omega| = D\) and \(N \leq D\) with \(\| d_{\omega} \|_2 = 1\) for all atoms.

The vectors \(x \in \CC^N\) can be represented by a synthesis matrix consisting of the atoms of \(\mathcal{D}\) by a vector \(\alpha \in \CC^D\) as

\[x = \DDD \alpha.\]

Note that we are using the same symbol \(\DDD\) to represent the dictionary as a set of atoms as well as the corresponding synthesis matrix.

We can write the matrix \(\DDD\) consisting of its columns as

\[\DDD = \begin{bmatrix} d_1 & \dots & d_D \end{bmatrix}\]

This shouldn’t be causing any confusion in the sequel. When we write the subscript as \(d_{\omega_i}\) where \(\omega_i \in \Omega\) we are referring to the atoms of the dictionary \(\mathcal{D}\) indexed by the set \(\Omega\), while when we write the subscript as \(d_i\) we are referring to a column of corresponding synthesis matrix. In this case, \(\Omega\) will simply mean the index set \(\{ 1, \dots, D \}\). Obviously \(|\Omega| = D\) holds still.

Often, we will be working with a subset of atoms in a dictionary. Usually such a subset of atoms will be indexed by an index set \(\Lambda \subseteq \Omega\). \(\Lambda\) will take the form of \(\Lambda \subseteq \{\omega_1, \dots, \omega_D\}\) or \(\Lambda \subseteq \{1, \dots, D\}\) depending upon whether we are talking about the subset of atoms in the dictionary or a subset of columns from the corresponding synthesis matrix.

We will need the notion of a sub-dictionary [Tro06] described below.


A sub-dictionary is a linearly independent collection of atoms. Let \(\Lambda \subset \{\omega_1, \dots, \omega_D\}\) be the index set for the atoms in the sub-dictionary. We denote the sub-dictionary as \(\DDD_{\Lambda}\). We also use \(\DDD_{\Lambda}\) to denote the corresponding matrix with \(\Lambda \subset \{1, \dots, D\}\).

A subdictionary is full rank.

This is obvious since it is a collection of linearly independent atoms.

For subdictionaries often we will say \(K = | \Lambda |\) and \(G = \DDD_{\Lambda}^H \DDD_{\Lambda}\) as its Gram matrix. Sometimes, we will also be considering \(G^{-1}\). \(G^{-1}\) has a useful interpretation in terms of the dual vectors for the atoms in \(\DDD_{\Lambda}\) [TRO04].

Let \(\{ d_{\lambda} \}_{\lambda \in \Lambda}\) denote the atoms in \(\DDD_{\Lambda}\). Let \(\{ c_{\lambda} \}_{\lambda \in \Lambda}\) be chosen such that

\[\langle d_{\lambda} , c_{\lambda} \rangle = 1\]


\[\langle d_{\lambda} , c_{\omega} \rangle = 0 \text { for } \lambda, \omega \in \Lambda, \lambda \neq \omega.\]

Each dual vector \(c_{\lambda}\) is orthogonal to atoms in the subdictionary at different indices and is long enough so that its inner product with \(d_{\lambda}\) is one. The dual system somehow inverts the sub-dictionary. In fact the dual vectors are nothing but the columns of the matrix \(B = (\DDD_{\Lambda}^{\dag})^H\). Now, a simple calculation:

\[B^H B = (\DDD_{\Lambda}^{\dag}) (\DDD_{\Lambda}^{\dag})^H = (\DDD_{\Lambda}^H \DDD_{\Lambda})^{-1} \DDD_{\Lambda}^H \DDD_{\Lambda} (\DDD_{\Lambda}^H \DDD_{\Lambda})^{-1} = (\DDD_{\Lambda}^H \DDD_{\Lambda})^{-1} = G^{-1}.\]

Therefore, the inverse Gram matrix lists the inner products between the dual vectors.

Sometimes we will be discussing tools which also apply for general matrices. We will use the symbol \(\Phi\) for representing general matrices. Whenever the dictionary is an orthonormal basis, we will use the symbol \(\Psi\).