Sparse Subspace Clustering with MNIST Digits

In this section, we discuss using SSC algorithms on MNIST dataset.

MNIST dataset [LBBH98] contains gray scale images of handwritten digits 0-9. The dataset consists of \(60,000\) images. Following [YRV16], for each image, we compute a set of feature vectors using a scattering convolution network [BM13]. The feature vector is translation invariant and deformation stable. Each feature vector is of length \(3,472\). The feature vectors are available here.

MNIST Dataset

Please download the file MNIST_SC.mat and place it in sparse-plex/data/mnist directory.

We provide a wrapper class to load the data from this dataset:

md =;

Beware, the whole dataset is 1GB in size and can take 10-20 seconds to load depending upon your system capability.

Let’s look at the structure md:

>> md
md =

  ChongMNISTDigits with properties:

                Y: [3472×60000 double]
           labels: [1×60000 double]
           digits: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
    cluster_sizes: [5923 6742 5958 6131 5842 5421 5918 6265 5851 5949]
  • The \(Y\) matrix contains one feature vector (as column) per example digit.
  • The labels array contains information about the digit represented in each column of \(Y\).
  • cluster_sizes is the number of examples of each digit in this dataset.

Seeing some labels:

>> md.labels(1:10)

ans =

     5     0     4     1     9     2     1     3     1     4

Number of examples of digit 5

>> sum(md.labels == 5)

ans =


>> md.cluster_sizes(5+1)

ans =


The object md provides a method to find out the column indices for a given digit in the labels array. Let’s find all the indices for digit 4:

>> four_indices = md.digit_indices(4);
>> numel(four_indices)

ans =


Let’s checkout some of these indices and verify them in the labels array:

>> four_indices(1:4)

ans =

     3    10    21    27

>> md.labels(four_indices(1:4))

ans =

     4     4     4     4

We can select a subset of samples from this dataset along with the labels as follows:

>> indices = [1 10 11 40];
>> [Y, labels] = md.selected_samples(indices);
>> labels

labels =

     5     4     3     6

SSC-OMP on MNIST Dataset

In this section, we will go through the steps of applying the SSC-OMP algorithm on the MNIST dataset.

We will work on all the digits:

digit_set = 0:9;

Number of samples for each digit:

num_samples_per_digit = 400;

Number of clusters or corresponding low dimensional subspaces:

K = length(digit_set);

Sizes of each cluster:

cluster_sizes = num_samples_per_digit*ones(1, K);

Let’s draw 200 examples/samples for each digit from the MNIST dataset described above:

sample_list = [];
for k=1:K
    digit = digit_set(k);
    digit_indices = md.digit_indices(digit);
    num_digit_samples = length(digit_indices);
    choices = randperm(num_digit_samples, cluster_sizes(k));
    selected_indices = digit_indices(choices);
    sample_list = [sample_list selected_indices];

We have picked the column numbers of samples/examples for each digit and concatenated them into sample_list.

Time to pickup the samples from the dataset along with labels:

[Y, true_labels] = md.selected_samples(sample_list);

The feature vectors are 3472 dimensional. We don’t really need this much of detail. We will perform PCA to reduce the dimensions to 500:

fprintf('Performing PCA\n');
tstart = tic;
Y =, 500);
elapsed_time = toc (tstart);
fprintf('Time taken in PCA %.2f seconds\n', elapsed_time);
Performing PCA
Time taken in PCA 17.69 seconds

The ambient space dimension M and the number of data vectors S:

[M, S] = size(Y);

Time to perform sparse subspace clustering with orthogonal matching pursuit:

tstart = tic;
fprintf('Performing SSC OMP\n');
import spx.cluster.ssc.OMP_REPR_METHOD;
solver = spx.cluster.ssc.SSC_OMP(Y, D, K, 1e-3, OMP_REPR_METHOD.FLIPPED_OMP_MATLAB);
solver.Quiet = true;
clustering_result = solver.solve();
elapsed_time = toc (tstart);
fprintf('Time taken in SSC-OMP %.2f seconds\n', elapsed_time);
Performing SSC OMP
Time taken in SSC-OMP 10.54 seconds

Let’s collect the statistics related to clustering error and subspace preserving representations error:

connectivity = clustering_result.connectivity;
% estimated number of clusters
estimated_num_subspaces = clustering_result.num_clusters;
% Time to compare the clustering
cluster_labels = clustering_result.labels;
fprintf('Measuring clustering error and accuracy\n');
comparsion_result = spx.cluster.clustering_error_hungarian_mapping(cluster_labels, true_labels, K);
clustering_error_perc = comparsion_result.error_perc;
clustering_acc_perc = 100 - comparsion_result.error_perc;
spr_stats = spx.cluster.subspace.subspace_preservation_stats(clustering_result.Z, cluster_sizes);
spr_error = spr_stats.spr_error;
spr_flag = spr_stats.spr_flag;
spr_perc = spr_stats.spr_perc;
fprintf('\nclustering error: %0.2f %% , clustering accuracy: %0.2f %%\n, mean spr error: %0.4f preserving : %0.2f %%\n, connectivity: %0.2f, elapsed time: %0.2f sec',...
    clustering_error_perc, clustering_acc_perc,...
    spr_stats.spr_error, spr_stats.spr_perc,...
    connectivity, elapsed_time);


Measuring clustering error and accuracy

clustering error: 6.42 % , clustering accuracy: 93.58 %
, mean spr error: 0.3404 preserving : 0.00 %
, connectivity: -1.00, elapsed time: 10.54 sec

SSC-OMP on MNIST Benchmarks

The table below reports the performance of SSC-OMP algorithm on MNIST dataset. The data consists of randomly chosen number of images for each of the 10 digits. Scattering network features are extracted from the image and they are projected to dimension 500 using PCA. The images per digit are varied for each experiment from 50 to 400.

Images per Digit a% e% t
50 82.18 42.11 0.36
80 87.39 39.79 0.81
100 87.20 38.86 1.11
150 89.16 37.33 2.02
200 89.68 36.39 3.25
300 92.19 35.18 6.27
400 91.13 34.26 7.07

Benchmarks on SSC-MC-OMP

The section describing SSC-MC-OMP algorithm is under development.

Here we report the benchmarks using the SSC-MC-OMP algorithm.

Clustering Accuracy a%

Images per Digit 1-4 2.1-4 42.1-4 2-4
50 82.18 82.87 82.68 83.81
80 87.39 87.14 85.34 86.82
100 87.20 87.47 86.75 89.17
150 89.16 89.15 88.06 89.09
200 89.68 90.23 88.17 88.31
300 92.19 91.18 87.80 91.89
400 91.13 91.52 90.16 91.50

Subspace Preserving Representation Error e%

Images per Digit 1-4 2.1-4 42.1-4 2-4
50 42.11 41.63 41.46 41.00
80 39.79 39.10 38.85 38.19
100 38.86 38.12 37.80 37.06
150 37.33 36.56 36.11 35.19
200 36.39 35.50 34.99 34.00
300 35.18 34.15 33.59 32.60
400 34.26 33.26 32.70 31.57

Time t

Images per Digit 1-4 2.1-4 42.1-4 2-4
50 2.07 3.26 5.95 9.22
80 3.57 6.22 11.67 15.77
100 4.71 8.39 15.88 20.61
150 8.97 15.98 30.88 37.71
200 13.50 24.94 48.13 57.25
300 30.50 56.81 120.77 121.76
400 50.38 95.76 177.78 192.57