MEX Extensions

Some parts of the library have been written in the form of MEX extensions. The mex extensions have been written in C/C++. They also use the BLAS/LAPACK libraries which are shipped with MATLAB.

This page summarizes available functions and their speed gains.

All of these functions are available in the package

Function Purpose Speedup
mp Standard Matching Pursuit Up to 3.8x faster than greedy_mp in sparsify toolbox.
omp Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Up to 4x faster than OMPBOX
batch_omp Batch version of Orthogonal Matching Pursuits Up to 3x faster than Batch OMP in OMPBox
OMP adapted for constructing subspace
preserving representations
The flipped version provided by [YV15]
is usually faster on large datasets.
But the simple OMP loop is faster on
smaller datasets by 20%.
Computes subspace preserving representations
for sparse subspace clustering using Batch
version of OMP based on [RZE08].
Up to 4.6x faster than OMP for subspace
preserving representations by [YV15].
cg Conjugate gradients Same as cgsolve.m from Model-CS Toolbox

For more details about these functions, please refer to the sections in following table:

Function Section
mp Fast Implementation of Matching Pursuit
omp Fast Implementation of OMP
batch_omp Fast Batch OMP Implementation
omp_spr SSC-OMP Implementations CLASSIC_OMP_C
batch_omp_spr SSC-OMP Implementations BATCH_OMP_C

General Principles

  • While the essential structure of algorithms remains the same, the C/C++ implementations achieve efficiency by working around the natural inefficiencies of MATLAB language.
  • Use of BLAS/LAPACK makes sure that we don’t suffer a performance loss due to use of naive C/C++ for loops for basic matrix algebra. BLAS/LAPACK has state of the art implementation of basic matrix algebra and MATLAB already uses it. We also use the same in our C/C++ implementations.
  • We allocate all the necessary memory for an algorithm in advance. We make sure that during the execution of the algorithm, memory allocations are minimized.
  • We avoid data copies as much as possible. In C/C++, we have fine grained access of raw matrix/vector data in the form of pointers. We reuse them as much as possible.



The C++ version of cg was written for internal use within other algorithms written in C++. It doesn’t give any speed ups since most of its time is spent in the single matrix vector multiply operation which is already optimized in MATLAB.