Graphics and visualization

In this section we cover:

  • Some utility classes which help in specific visualization tasks
  • Some external open source libraries / functions which have been integrated in sparse-plex to make visualization tasks easier
  • Some general techniques for specific visualization tasks

Create a full screen figure:;

Multiple figures:

mf =;
mf.new_figure('fig 1');
mf.new_figure('fig 2');
mf.new_figure('fig 3');

All these figures will be created with same width and height. They will be placed one after another in a stacked manner.

Controlling size of multiple figures:

width = 1000;
height = 400;
mf =, height);

Display a Gram matrix for a given dictionary Phi:;

Canvas of a grid of images

Sometimes we wish to show a set of small images in the form of a grid. These images may be patches from a larger image or may be small independent images themselves. helps in combining the images in the form of a grid on a canvas image.

We provide all the images to be displayed in the form of a matrix where each column consists of one image.

Creating a canvas of image patches:

% Let us create some random images of size 50x50
width = 50;
height = 50;
rows = 10;
cols = 10;
images = 255* rand(width*height, rows*cols);
% Let's create a canvas of these images formed into a
% 10 x 10 grid.
canvas =, rows, cols, ...
    height, width);
% Let's convert the canvas to UINT8 image
canvas = uint8(canvas);
% Let's show the image
% Let's set the proper colormap.
% Axis sizing etc.
axis image;
axis off;

Displaying a set of signals in the form of a matrix

While working on joint signal recovery problems, we need to visualize a set of signals together. They can be put together in a signal matrix where each column is one (finite dimensional) signal. It is straightforward to create a visualization for these signals:

num_signals = 100;
signal_size = 80;
signal_matrix = randn(signal_size, num_signals);
% Let's create a canvas and put all the signals on it.
canvas =;
% Let's show the image
% Let's set the proper colormap.
% Axis sizing etc.
axis image;
axis off;

Some third party open source libraries

Put a title over all subplots:;

This function is by Drea Thomas.

RGB code for given colorname:

c ='DarkRed')
c ='Green')

This function is by Kristján Jónasson and is in public domain.

Supported colors:

%White colors
'FF','FF','FF', 'White'
'FF','FA','FA', 'Snow'
'F0','FF','F0', 'Honeydew'
'F5','FF','FA', 'MintCream'
'F0','FF','FF', 'Azure'
'F0','F8','FF', 'AliceBlue'
'F8','F8','FF', 'GhostWhite'
'F5','F5','F5', 'WhiteSmoke'
'FF','F5','EE', 'Seashell'
'F5','F5','DC', 'Beige'
'FD','F5','E6', 'OldLace'
'FF','FA','F0', 'FloralWhite'
'FF','FF','F0', 'Ivory'
'FA','EB','D7', 'AntiqueWhite'
'FA','F0','E6', 'Linen'
'FF','F0','F5', 'LavenderBlush'
'FF','E4','E1', 'MistyRose'
%Grey colors'
'80','80','80', 'Gray'
'DC','DC','DC', 'Gainsboro'
'D3','D3','D3', 'LightGray'
'C0','C0','C0', 'Silver'
'A9','A9','A9', 'DarkGray'
'69','69','69', 'DimGray'
'77','88','99', 'LightSlateGray'
'70','80','90', 'SlateGray'
'2F','4F','4F', 'DarkSlateGray'
'00','00','00', 'Black'
%Red colors
'FF','00','00', 'Red'
'FF','A0','7A', 'LightSalmon'
'FA','80','72', 'Salmon'
'E9','96','7A', 'DarkSalmon'
'F0','80','80', 'LightCoral'
'CD','5C','5C', 'IndianRed'
'DC','14','3C', 'Crimson'
'B2','22','22', 'FireBrick'
'8B','00','00', 'DarkRed'
%Pink colors
'FF','C0','CB', 'Pink'
'FF','B6','C1', 'LightPink'
'FF','69','B4', 'HotPink'
'FF','14','93', 'DeepPink'
'DB','70','93', 'PaleVioletRed'
'C7','15','85', 'MediumVioletRed'
%Orange colors
'FF','A5','00', 'Orange'
'FF','8C','00', 'DarkOrange'
'FF','7F','50', 'Coral'
'FF','63','47', 'Tomato'
'FF','45','00', 'OrangeRed'
%Yellow colors
'FF','FF','00', 'Yellow'
'FF','FF','E0', 'LightYellow'
'FF','FA','CD', 'LemonChiffon'
'FA','FA','D2', 'LightGoldenrodYellow'
'FF','EF','D5', 'PapayaWhip'
'FF','E4','B5', 'Moccasin'
'FF','DA','B9', 'PeachPuff'
'EE','E8','AA', 'PaleGoldenrod'
'F0','E6','8C', 'Khaki'
'BD','B7','6B', 'DarkKhaki'
'FF','D7','00', 'Gold'
%Brown colors
'A5','2A','2A', 'Brown'
'FF','F8','DC', 'Cornsilk'
'FF','EB','CD', 'BlanchedAlmond'
'FF','E4','C4', 'Bisque'
'FF','DE','AD', 'NavajoWhite'
'F5','DE','B3', 'Wheat'
'DE','B8','87', 'BurlyWood'
'D2','B4','8C', 'Tan'
'BC','8F','8F', 'RosyBrown'
'F4','A4','60', 'SandyBrown'
'DA','A5','20', 'Goldenrod'
'B8','86','0B', 'DarkGoldenrod'
'CD','85','3F', 'Peru'
'D2','69','1E', 'Chocolate'
'8B','45','13', 'SaddleBrown'
'A0','52','2D', 'Sienna'
'80','00','00', 'Maroon'
%Green colors
'00','80','00', 'Green'
'98','FB','98', 'PaleGreen'
'90','EE','90', 'LightGreen'
'9A','CD','32', 'YellowGreen'
'AD','FF','2F', 'GreenYellow'
'7F','FF','00', 'Chartreuse'
'7C','FC','00', 'LawnGreen'
'00','FF','00', 'Lime'
'32','CD','32', 'LimeGreen'
'00','FA','9A', 'MediumSpringGreen'
'00','FF','7F', 'SpringGreen'
'66','CD','AA', 'MediumAquamarine'
'7F','FF','D4', 'Aquamarine'
'20','B2','AA', 'LightSeaGreen'
'3C','B3','71', 'MediumSeaGreen'
'2E','8B','57', 'SeaGreen'
'8F','BC','8F', 'DarkSeaGreen'
'22','8B','22', 'ForestGreen'
'00','64','00', 'DarkGreen'
'6B','8E','23', 'OliveDrab'
'80','80','00', 'Olive'
'55','6B','2F', 'DarkOliveGreen'
'00','80','80', 'Teal'
%Blue colors
'00','00','FF', 'Blue'
'AD','D8','E6', 'LightBlue'
'B0','E0','E6', 'PowderBlue'
'AF','EE','EE', 'PaleTurquoise'
'40','E0','D0', 'Turquoise'
'48','D1','CC', 'MediumTurquoise'
'00','CE','D1', 'DarkTurquoise'
'E0','FF','FF', 'LightCyan'
'00','FF','FF', 'Cyan'
'00','FF','FF', 'Aqua'
'00','8B','8B', 'DarkCyan'
'5F','9E','A0', 'CadetBlue'
'B0','C4','DE', 'LightSteelBlue'
'46','82','B4', 'SteelBlue'
'87','CE','FA', 'LightSkyBlue'
'87','CE','EB', 'SkyBlue'
'00','BF','FF', 'DeepSkyBlue'
'1E','90','FF', 'DodgerBlue'
'64','95','ED', 'CornflowerBlue'
'41','69','E1', 'RoyalBlue'
'00','00','CD', 'MediumBlue'
'00','00','8B', 'DarkBlue'
'00','00','80', 'Navy'
'19','19','70', 'MidnightBlue'
%Purple colors
'80','00','80', 'Purple'
'E6','E6','FA', 'Lavender'
'D8','BF','D8', 'Thistle'
'DD','A0','DD', 'Plum'
'EE','82','EE', 'Violet'
'DA','70','D6', 'Orchid'
'FF','00','FF', 'Fuchsia'
'FF','00','FF', 'Magenta'
'BA','55','D3', 'MediumOrchid'
'93','70','DB', 'MediumPurple'
'99','66','CC', 'Amethyst'
'8A','2B','E2', 'BlueViolet'
'94','00','D3', 'DarkViolet'
'99','32','CC', 'DarkOrchid'
'8B','00','8B', 'DarkMagenta'
'6A','5A','CD', 'SlateBlue'
'48','3D','8B', 'DarkSlateBlue'
'7B','68','EE', 'MediumSlateBlue'
'4B','00','82', 'Indigo'
%Gray repeated with spelling grey
'80','80','80', 'Grey'
'D3','D3','D3', 'LightGrey'
'A9','A9','A9', 'DarkGrey'
'69','69','69', 'DimGrey'
'77','88','99', 'LightSlateGrey'
'70','80','90', 'SlateGrey'
'2F','4F','4F', 'DarkSlateGrey'