Comparing signals

Comparing sparse or approximately sparse signals

spx.commons.SparseSignalsComparison class provides a number of methods to compare two sets of sparse signals. It is typically used to compare a set of original sparse signals with corresponding recovered sparse signals.

Let us create two signals of size (N=256) with sparsity level (K=4) with the non-zero entries having magnitude chosen uniformly between [1,2]:

N = 256;
K = 4;
% Constructing a sparse vector
% Choosing the support randomly
Omega = randperm(N, K);
% Number of signals
S = 2;
% Original signals
X = zeros(N, S);
% Choosing non-zero values uniformly between (-b, -a) and (a, b)
a = 1;
b = 2;
% unsigned magnitudes of non-zero entries
XM = a + (b-a).*rand(K, S);
% Generate sign for non-zero entries randomly
sgn = sign(randn(K, S));
% Combine sign and magnitude
XMS = sgn .* XM;
% Place at the right non-zero locations
X(Omega, :) = XMS;

Let us create a noisy version of these signals with noise only in the non-zero entries at 15 dB of SNR:

% Creating noise using helper function
SNR = 15;
Noise =, SNR);
Y = X;
Y(Omega, :) = Y(Omega, :) + Noise;

Let us create an instance of sparse signal comparison class:

cs = spx.commons.SparseSignalsComparison(X, Y, K);

Norms of difference signals [X - Y]:


Norms of original signals [X]:


Norms of estimated signals [Y]:


Ratios between signal error norms and original signal norms:


SNR for each signal:


In case the signals X and Y were not truly sparse, then spx.commons.SignalsComparison has the ability to sparsify them by choosing the K largest (magnitude) entries for each signal in reference signal set and estimated signal set. K is an input parameter taken by the class.

We can access the sparsified reference signals:


We can access the sparsified estimated signals:


We can also examine the support index set for each sparsified reference signal:


Ditto for the supports of sparsified estimated signals:


We can measure the support similarity ratio for each signal


We can find out which of the signals have a support similarity above a specified threshold:


Overall analysis can be easily summarized and printed for each signal:


Here is the output

Signal dimension: 256
Number of signals: 2
Combined reference norm: 4.56207362
Combined estimate norm: 4.80070407
Combined difference norm: 0.81126416
Combined SNR: 15.0000 dB
Specified sparsity level: 4

Signal: 1
  Reference norm: 2.81008750
  Estimate norm: 2.91691022
  Error norm: 0.49971207
  SNR: 15.0000 dB
  Support similarity ratio: 1.00

Signal: 2
  Reference norm: 3.59387311
  Estimate norm: 3.81292464
  Error norm: 0.63909106
  SNR: 15.0000 dB
  Support similarity ratio: 1.00

Signal space comparison

For comparing signals which are not sparse, we have another helper utility class spx.commons.SignalsComparison.

Assuming X is a signal matrix (with each column treated as a signal), and Y is its noisy version, we created the signal comparison instance as:

cs = spx.commons.SignalsComparison(X, Y);

Most functions are similar to what we had for spx.commons.SparseSignalsComparison:
