
We sometimes need sorting and searching operations on arrays of numbers in the numerical algorithms. This section summarizes results related to number of operations needed to perform various sorting and searching tasks on arrays. These results are collected from or based on the approach in [SF13]. Fundamental operations in these algorithms are comparison, load, store and exchanges of array elements.

Finding the maximum of an array of length n takes \(n-1 \approx n\) comparisons. We assume the first entry as maximum, keep comparing with other entries in array, and change the maximum if the entry in array is larger. On an average, half of these comparisons will also require changing the maximum entry. Apart from finding the largest entry, we are often required to find its location too. Location will be updated whenever maximum value is updated. If we have to find \(k\) largest entries in the array (along with their indices), we can work iteratively: find maximum, set the corresponding entry in array to small enough value (0 for positive valued array, \(-\infty\) for real array), find the second largest entry and so on. This would require \(kn\) comparisons approximately. Considering additional book-keeping cost, the flop count can be put at \(2kn\). If the array is needed further, we can put the \(k\) largest entries back in the array.

Theorem 1.3 in [SF13] suggests that quicksort algorithm on average uses \((n-1)/2\) partitioning stages, \(2n\ln{n} -1.846n\) compares and \(.333 n \ln{n} -.865 n\) exchanges to sort an array of n randomly ordered distinct elements.

Our needs for sorting also require us to store the indices of entries in sorted array in the original array. This is done by creating an index array and performing exchanges on the index array whenever exchanges are done in the original array. Keeping these extra operations in mind, We will use a conservative estimate of \(4n \ln{n}\) flops for sorting an array. Once the array is sorted, picking the \(k\) largest entries requires \(k\) iterations. It is noted here that when \(n\) is small (say less than 1000), then an efficient implementation of quicksort can actually beat the naive way of finding \(k\) largest entries discussed above. This will be our preferred approach in this work.