Dirac DCT TutorialΒΆ

This tutorial is based on examples\\ex_dirac_dct_two_ortho_basis.m.

In this tutorial we will:

  • Construct a DCT basis
  • Construct a Dirac-DCT dictionary.
  • Construct a signal which is a mixture of few impulses and a few sinusoids.
  • Construct its representation in the DCT basis.
  • Recover its representation in Dirac-DCT dictionary using following sparse recovery algorithms
    • Matching Pursuit
    • Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
    • Basis Pursuit
  • Measure the recovery error for different sparse recovery algorithms.

Signal space dimension:

N = 256;

Dirac basis:

I = eye(N);

DCT basis:

Psi = dctmtx(N)';

Visualizing the DCT basis:

imagesc(Psi) ;
axis image;

Combining the Dirac and DCT orthonormal bases to form a two-ortho dictionary:

Phi = [I  Psi];

Visualizing the dictionary:

imagesc(Phi) ;
axis image;

Constructing a signal which is a combination of impulses and cosines:

alpha = zeros(2*N, 1);
alpha(20) = 1;
alpha(30) = -.4;
alpha(100) = .6;
alpha(N + 4) = 1.2;
alpha(N + 58) = -.8;
x = Phi * alpha;
K  = 5;

Finding the representation in DCT basis:

x_dct = Psi' * x;

Sparse representation in the Dirac DCT dictionary


Obtaining the sparse representation using matching pursuit algorithm:

solver = spx.pursuit.single.MatchingPursuit(Phi, K);
result = solver.solve(x);
mp_solution = result.z;
mp_diff = alpha - mp_solution;
% Recovery error
mp_recovery_error = norm(mp_diff) / norm(x);

Matching pursuit recovery error: 0.0353.

Obtaining the sparse representation using orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm:

solver = spx.pursuit.single.OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(Phi, K);
result = solver.solve(x);
omp_solution = result.z;
omp_diff = alpha - omp_solution;
% Recovery error
omp_recovery_error = norm(omp_diff) / norm(x);

Orthogonal Matching pursuit recovery error: 0.0000.

Obtaining a sparse approximation via basis pursuit:

solver = spx.pursuit.single.BasisPursuit(Phi, x);
result = solver.solve_l1_noise();
l1_solution = result;
l1_diff = alpha - l1_solution;
% Recovery error
l1_recovery_error = norm(l1_diff) / norm(x);

l_1 recovery error: 0.0010.